pssst silence
The Gricean maxims

Data evaluations

Speaking of disabilities - a taboo?
Language and Gender
Skin colour
child with Progeria

child with Progeria
Language and gender

In the following, the attempt will be to analyse the difference in speech between male and female. Do men have a different way of describing the images compared to women or are there similarities which exist on both sides?
Describing the images, women tend to be emotional and sensitive. They show more feelings like commiseration or sympathy and pay more attention to how the people shown on the images may think or feel.
Moreover, the language is not very descriptive and the construction of the sentences is longer as compared to men. In contrast, the male have a more direct and abstract way of describing the images. Their language is more descriptive as they tend to describe more details. Beside that, their expressions are shorter and more precise and they often focus on the essential.

Below, there are exstracts from the interviews14 whereby, the statement of a male and a female concerning the same image are compared with each other.

· IMG_03 (child with Progeria)

Male: (long pause)…hard stuff!…some kind of disease…(murmurs)
Female: (hesitation)…hm..people who suffer from some kind of disease…who reach a certain age…are those…(hesitation)…those kind of…hm…people, they look eldrich to me

Considering this as an example, one can see that the female is trying to give as much information as possible about the child although she is insecure. She attempts to be tactful in her expressions and even makes a personal remark that people having progeria look eldrich to her. In contrast, the male makes a long pause at the beginning and seems to search for the right words. As he cannot find them, he states that the child has some kind of disease without trying to describe it nearer. The expression "hard stuff" can be seen as a hesitation or as a means to fill the silence in order to find the right words. Similarly, the "hm" in the description of the female participant serves the same purpose. Their repetition signify the ongoing hesitation, silence.

· IMG_05 (young girl)

Male1: a girl…18-20 years old… has a side parting…wears a pink sweater… looks unfriendly…a strand loosens out of her hair
Male2: looks bad-tempered

Female1: a girl…seems to be intimidated, sad, close-mouthed
Female2: a girl…looks palish, sad…maybe depressive

Although, the image shows a girl without any particular characteristics, one can see the difference in emotionality concerning male and female. While the females try to work out the facial expression and the reasons why she is maybe looking unfriendly, the males only state that she looks unfriendly without investing any deeper thoughts.
Furthermore, this exstract is also a good example for the descriptive style which men tend to use. One of the male exactly describes the image of what the girl is wearing and how she looks like. His personal impression of her that she is unfriendly seems to go under between the pink sweater and the loosen strand of her hair.

The different ways of males and females describing the images fit nicely with differences in men and women's roles within society. Women are said to be sensitive, understanding and being closely attached to their environment.
Beside that, they use and like to talk much and long about things which are often unnecessary.Whereas, men tend to be precise, determined with an eye for the essential. But lastly, this view of men and women is only a stereotyping because in all societies the obvious biological difference between men and women is used as a justification for forcing them into different social roles which limit and shape their attitudes and behaviour. Although, certain parallels can be found in the descriptions of the men as compared to that of the wome

n, one cannot generalize neither men nor women always reacting in the same way. Concerning the data, one female's descriptions beared strong resemblance to those of the male being descriptive and more unemotional. Furthermore, one of the male participants also made many sensitive statements. This raises the question whether particular traits are located within the nature of men and women or rather society and environment forms them imposing certain patterns of behaviour on them. Maybe, it is a little of both.